FormList Component Reference

A fixed or dynamic list of inputs or forms. A FormList results in a JavaScript array.


A FormList wraps the following:

The contents of a FormList element act as a template for each item in the list. The child form or input must not have the name property, and the child ErrorsBlock must not have the names property. The parent FormList will figure these out and add them.

A FormList will render as many items as necessary to display the current data, as well as "add" and "remove" buttons or some interface for adding and removing items.


Only the name property is required. The properties listed here are governed by this specification, but components are free to add any number of additional properties as necessary.



Set this to the desired object path where the value should be stored, using object path notation.



This function will be called as the FormList array changes, for example while a user is typing in one of the inputs. This is called more frequently than onChange but not necessarily on every single character change.

This may also be called on initial render to update default and hard coded input values.



This function will be called after the FormList array changes, whenever the user appears to be done changing one of the inputs, for example, after a user finishes typing and tabs off the field. It is also called as items are added or removed from the array. This is called less frequently than onChanging.

This may also be called on initial render to update default and hard coded input values.



Set this to the minimum number of items that must be in the list and shown in the UI. If minCount and maxCount are set to the same number, this would hide "add" and "remove" buttons and disable the ability for the user to change the number of items in the array.



Set this to the maximum number of items that can be in the list and shown in the UI. If minCount and maxCount are set to the same number, this would hide "add" and "remove" buttons and disable the ability for the user to change the number of items in the array.

Instance Properties


Returns the current array value of the list in state


Forces a reset of the value state to match the value prop